Welcome men and women of God. My name is George W. Maize, IV and I am a candidate for the Doctor of Ministry degree with a specialization in worship from Liberty University of Lynchburg, VA. Intense study and personal practice of worship in conjunction with this program are designed to help me reevaluate my ministry mindset concerning acceptable Christian worship. Scholarly research and practical application on the highest academic levels should qualify me to teach new generation believers how to achieve acceptable worship by the grace of God.
The goal of the course I am presently taking is to identify a ministry problem relative to worship and create a micro-project demonstrating the biblical precedence for addressing this ministry problem. The student is challenged to ask the question, what is the biblical precedence of addressing the ministry problem? I chose the platform of blogging for this micro-project because it offers a tool to systematically document biblical precedence to support my premise. It also creates an opportunity for theologians and laypersons who are serious students of scripture to share their perspectives concerning biblical precedence. The blog will be displayed and available for feedback for one year.
I am asking each of you who have graciously accepted my invitation to share your perspectives and support your position/s with scripture. To ensure our comments never become personal, each participant’s identity will be protected. In order to accomplish our goal of anonymity, sign your post by using an alias or name different than your own. The only person who will know your identity is the doctoral candidate.Know that I am thankful for the privilege of being exposed to your point of view. May you be blessed beyond measure for helping to prepare me for my next level of service to the glory of God.
Today our goal is to make sure the blog is functioning properly. First, click the word link in red and complete the form. After the form is completed test this software by posting the message in the comments below “I have my instructions”. Place the alias you chose in the proper place. Once you have followed these simple instructions click on “Post Comment” at the bottom of the page. That’s it! Before we begin, join me in a word of prayer. Father, thank you for the opportunity you have given me to glean from the wisdom of your servants. Give me the grace to learn and share as I grow and seek to bring You glory through this process. Forgive us of our sin, as we forgive those who sinned against us. We love You and we love each other, in Jesus’ name, Amen.